Farm Transmission

The aim of the Generation Change subsidies is to ensure the successful takeover of one or more working farms. Continued operation and development of existing and competitive farms contributes to maintaining and improving the competitiveness of agriculture. Generational change is facilitated when farms owned by farmers nearing retirement age are taken over by younger farmers.

This scheme will support both the transferee and the transferor of the farm, with initial support to ensure the farm’s continued operation.

Subsidy intensity: 100%

Amount of subsidy: scaled according to the size of the holding, up to a maximum of EUR 170,000 in total, in the form of a non-repayable subsidy.

What we can do for you:

  • Free pre-qualification and eligibility check
  • Assistance with the necessary preliminary tasks for a successful application
  • Preparation of the full farm transfer contract, if required
  • Assistance in the preparation of the business plan
  • Providing full project management services

If you do not want to miss out on this opportunity, please contact us using one of the contact details below.